Tours and other activities
We arrange travels to mostly Norway but sometimes also to tropical waters.
Are you interested in joining, send in your reservation as
soon as possible.
3/1 Pool Evening.
6/1 -- 9 /1 Naerodykk i Norge,
Pressure-chamber in Härnösand. Date not settled yet.
Hitra in Norway, 3 nights/4 days diving, (Date not settled yet)
30/6 -- 2/7 Dive weekend to Brämön, accommodation in big 20-people tents.
Diving in an area with many wrecks.
Find and experience something new!
27/7 -- 30/7 (as a suggestion) Dive weekend to Höga Kusten with the boat BRIS.
Accomodation in hostels
Cozumel, Mexico!